181 words
November 19, 2024
1 minute read
Darknetlive.com full archive (.md)
The 26th of febryary 2024 the darknet market Incognito Market exit scammed and extorted its vendors. Not long after, it's admin Lin Rui-siang AKA Pharoah got arrested [article](https://archive.is/VLOTx) because of his terrible opsec. I don't care that much about this story (as funny as it is) however, the problem is that Pharoah also bought and took control of darknetlive before his downfall.
Darknetlive was an awesome ressource with a lot of articles and history about the darknet (730 articles to be exact). When the exit scam occured I knew darknetlive would probably not survive so I made this archive.
The way the files are named is page_x_clicked_y.md, x being the page number and y being the number of the article on said page (there was 1-5 articles per page). Each file contains the title of the article, some metadata about the article (time to read, publish daten tags and ammount of words) and it’s content.
As of now I am pretty certain darknetlive will not come back up anytime soon so I uploaded the link to the archive here : link.